Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Posted by ♥Genevieve Floreyn Reysntty♥ at 9:59 PM
tixx award fromm JOSH!!!thankx JOSH!!!
soe lambat faham!!!well besa laa baru 1st dpt bha!!!
forgive me!!!

The rules of "if you receive the awards" are quite similar thought :

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

The Q's and A's:

1. The person who tagged you: powk JOSH!!
2. His/her site's title and url:
3. Date when you were tagged: April 14, 2009
4. Persons you tagged:

powk dolphina

powk Antoo Edenk

and all ma follower!!
blur ku!!help me!!!

The Rules :

1. Put the award on your blog

2. Put the blogger links who gives you the award on your blog
3. Give it to another blogger
4. Put the links of bloggers who you give the award
5. Leave your message/comment on their blog so they will know u give them award

laaa hahahkxx...apaka!!!

give back to all i give jux now!!and ol ma follower!!!



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