Sunday, June 20, 2010


Posted by ♥Genevieve Floreyn Reysntty♥ at 1:02 AM
i'm feel so guilty to my lesbo!
soe i can't help you about the penjamin
please donk give up keyh?
late i'll explain to my dady..
take it easy keyh? i alway support you my lesbo!
see i post this just for you..
about the pengesahan and or the cop we go together keyh..
about ur mom not understand you and not support you donk be sad keyh?
just pray to god.. semua tok adalah rencana Tuhan.. mun nya padah ko pegi ko akan pergi punya..


Shu mei said...

it's okay.
No worries,i'll find on my own.
btw i am fine now.


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